Our Services

Ranking Analysis and Strategy Development

In-depth assessment of your university's performance, positioning and potential in global rankings such as QS , THE and ARWU.

Tailored strategies to improve your rankings and reputation by enhancing key performance indicators.

Benchmarking against peer institutions to identify areas for improvement and best practice.

Data Submission and verification

Verify and optimise your university's data to ensure accuracy and completeness in ranking evaluations.

Design and implement data capture and quality control processes to maintain high data integrity.

Reputation Management

Develop plans for strategic reputation management and alignment with research and education strategies.

Highlight your university's unique strengths, achievements, and research contributions to academia and society.

Internationalisation and Partnerships

Guide and develop internationalisation plans and strategic approaches to facilitate strategic collaborations with global universities.

rankings success

“Whatever you think of university rankings, they are essential to understand and have a strategy for.“

Why North Star Global?

Expertise and Experience

In-depth knowledge of global university rankings, methodologies and partnerships.

Proven track record of successfully improving rankings for universities worldwide.

Global Network

Extensive connections within the higher education community worldwide.

Access to valuable resources and collaborations to bolster your university's international reputation.

Customised Solutions

Tailored strategies that align with your university's unique strengths, goals, and aspirations.

Personalised support to meet your institution's specific challenges and opportunities.

Continuous support and monitoring

Ongoing guidance and support to ensure successful implementation of strategies.

Regular monitoring and adaptation of approaches for sustained progress.

Data-Driven Approach

Recommendations based on comprehensive data analysis and insights.

Utilisation of cutting-edge analytical tools and methodologies.

Workshops and Training

Workshops and training sessions for your faculty and staff to empower them with insights into the ranking methodologies, enabling them to actively contribute to your university's success.

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